How to Choose a Jogging Stroller
What To Look For When Buying A Jogging Stroller
Built for fitness, a jogging stroller is designed to keep up with your active lifestyle. The 3-wheel design, lightweight aluminum frame, adjustable suspension, and hand operated controls deliver maneuverability. Simply click-in your infant car seat or use the 5-point harness and multiple recline settings and hit the road. Learn more about what a jogging stroller is and how to choose the right one for you and your baby!
Jogging Stroller Checklist
Help achieve your exercise goals with a stroller that's built for fitness
Click in an infant car seat for on-the-go convenience during your baby’s first year of life
For high-performance fitness, the TRE® has spoked wheels with air-filled tires and a deceleration hand brake, just like your bicycle
Because joggers are designed for performance, they have a larger frame and oversized wheels that may take up extra space in your trunk or garage