Baby showers are a time to shower the expectant parents-to-be with gifts and love! If you find yourself in the role of planning the baby shower or responsible for organizing the games, you might be wondering where to begin. In this article, we’ll cover some of the best baby shower games to create laughter, joy, and long-lasting memories for everyone involved!
Baby shower bingo is an easy game to set up and is sure to be a crowd-pleaser! It’s a must-have addition to your celebration.
What You Need:
- Bingo cards with baby items listed on them
- A list of baby shower items (think diapers, stroller, high chair, baby clothes, toys, etc.)
- Markers
- Prize(s) (think candles, bath bombs, mini succulent plants, movie passes, etc.)
How to Play: Instead of playing Bingo the traditional way by calling out numbers, the host can call out common baby gift items from their list at random. Guests will then cross off the corresponding item on their bingo cards. Whoever gets bingo first, wins a prize. You can also play four-corner bingo where crossing off each of the four corners equals a prize or play it as parents are opening gifts and have guests cross them out on the card as they’re called.
Babies go through a lot of diapers, especially in their first few years of life. This game is a perfect way for parents to increase their diaper stockpile before the baby arrives!
What You Need:
- Raffle tickets
- Pens
- Prize
How to Play: Let guests know that you will be doing a diaper raffle ahead of time by sharing it on the invitation and specifying which type of diapers the expectant parents would like (disposable, reusable, etc.). Set up a diaper raffle station and place someone in charge of handing out raffle tickets in exchange for diapers. Guests can write their names on one end of the ticket to hand in and hold onto the raffle number side. (One diaper package equals one raffle ticket.) Once all of the diapers have been collected, read off the winner so they can receive their prize and the expectant parents get to keep a mountain of diapers!
If your guests are on the more adventurous side, you can play a baby food taste test game with them. This is a great baby shower game for adults and children alike!
What You Need:
- 4-10 jars of baby food (think carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, etc., and be sure to ask about any allergies ahead of time)
- Plastic bowls and spoons
- Blindfold (a sleep mask would work too)
- Pens and paper
- Prize(s)
How to Play: Place a blindfold over your guests and have them taste-test different baby foods. You can write their answers down. Be sure to remove any baby food labels and not give any answers away! Whoever has the most correct answers wins a prize.
If you’re on the hunt for fun baby shower games, this is the one for you! Speak with the expecting parents beforehand to get the correct answers. Personalize your questions and don’t be afraid to think outside the box!
What You Need:
- A list of questions with answers
- Pens and paper
- Prize(s)
How to Play: Ask a series of questions about the expecting parents like the baby’s due date, pregnancy cravings, who will change more dirty diapers, what they believe the gender will be, etc. Guests will write down their guesses and whoever gets the most correct answers takes home a prize. You can also hand out prizes for second and third place.
If the expecting mother is excited to show off their baby bump, this is another easy baby shower game to get all of the guests involved.
What You Need:
- Rolls of twine
- Scissors
- Prize
How to Play: Have each guest guess the size of the mother’s belly with a piece of twine. Once all of the guests have made their guesses, the mom-to-be can measure their belly with the twine. Next, the host can go table to table with the mom’s piece of twine and see which guest had the closest measurement. Whoever had the closest approximation, wins!
Everyone loves looking at baby pictures and there’s no better time to do so than at a baby shower! This game is great if you have anywhere from 10-20 guests.
What You Need:
- Baby pictures of each of the guests
- Photo paper
- Posterboard
- Tape
- Pens and paper
- Prize
How to Play: Ask guests to email you a picture of their favorite baby picture ahead of time. Print the pictures out on photo paper. (You can number all of the baby pictures so it’s easy to keep track of who’s who.) Guests can guess whose baby picture belongs to which guest and whoever has the most correct answers wins the prize!
“Guess the Chocolate” is one of the most memorable baby shower games. Guests will be laughing at the absurdity of it all.
What You Need:
- 4-7 candy bars (make sure to ask guests about any nut allergies ahead of time)
- Plastic bowls and spoons
- Diapers
- Pens and paper
- Prize
How to Play: Melt each of the different candy bars into their own bowls and then pour the melted chocolate into individual diapers. Have guests sniff or taste the candy (with a spoon) and write their answers down. Whoever has the most correct answers wins a prize!
This game is super easy to play. It’s a lighthearted baby shower game for your guests to enjoy.
What You Need:
- Pins or pacifiers
- Prize
How to Play: As guests arrive, each of them gets a pin or a pacifier on a long string to wear. Let them know that the word “baby” is forbidden. If your guest slips up and says the word “baby", whichever guest catches them gets to collect their pin or pacifier necklace. Whoever has the most pacifiers at the end of the day wins a prize.
Hosting a diaper change or swaddle relay is great for coed baby showers. Watching new parents try to change a diaper always gets a good laugh!
What You Need:
- Diapers
- Swaddles
- Two baby dolls
- Baby wipes
- Several small prizes
How to Play: Separate guests into two teams. Each guest must “wipe” the baby and change their diaper. You can also have guests swaddle the baby instead. You can do a quick demonstration beforehand to make sure every guest knows how to play. Whichever line gets through the relay fastest, wins.
Put your guests' artistic skills to the test by setting up a bib or diaper decorating station. Little kiddos are sure to enjoy this game as well!
What You Need:
- A pack of white bibs or diapers
- Fabric paint markers or Sharpies
- Stencils
How to Play: Have each guest decorate a bib or diaper for the new baby. They can have cute sayings like “Grandpa’s little princess”, “food critic,” etc.
Have guests “come on down” to try and guess the prices of common baby items. Bonus points for this baby shower game if the expecting parents are big fans of the TV show!
What You Need:
- List of baby items (these can be on display in the room or be read aloud)
- Pens and paper
- Prize(s)
How to Play: Have guests guess the cost of each item and write their answers down. The guest who has the most accurate answers receives a prize.
Baby names come in every letter of the alphabet. Gives parents some fun name inspiration with this fun baby shower game!
What You Need:
- Pens and paper
- Prize
How to Play: Have guests create baby names for every letter of the alphabet. The person who completes this the fastest wins.
Trivia is a fun baby shower game to get family and friends involved. You can play this as open-ended or multiple-choice.
What You Need:
- Pens and paper
- Prize
How to Play: Have the host collect fun facts about the parents-to-be like their birth weight, height, whether they were delivered early or late, eye color, hair color, the hospital they were born at, and any other fun facts about their birth story. Whichever guest has the most correct answers, wins.
If you have multiple baby showers on the calendar this year and are wondering what to bring, we have you covered! You can always check the expecting parents' baby registry as a starting point. However, if you're seeking additional ideas, consider the ever-practical gift of diapers, alongside other thoughtful presents such as a baby first aid kit, a soothing sound machine, pacifiers, or outlet covers.
For those looking to contribute essential items, an infant car seat makes for a wonderful gift, providing the parents-to-be with a safe and secure means of bringing their precious bundle home from the hospital. Another valuable option is a bassinet, offering great convenience during the early months. Alternatively, you can opt for items like a stroller or high chair that will come in handy as the baby grows.
Baby shower games don’t need to be dull! Instead, you can have a blast with any one of these games and shower the expecting parents with joy and gifts. Visit our blog for more creative parenting tips and ideas.